Friday, November 23, 2007

Thanksgiving and After Thanksgiving

We had a great time this Thanksgiving 2007. It was Sydney's first and she was so cute. It's been so fun to have her here for the holidays. She's going to love Christmas. She already loves the lights that we've seen already.
My mom always does Thanksgiving at her house. She does everything. My dad helps out a lot, too. I've taken on the green bean casserole. This year, however, Mark made it.
He did great. Mark is actually the cook in the family anyway. I hate to admit, I cannot cook. So, it was very good. Thanks Markie!
Then we had pie and pudding. Dad had to go back to Marie Callender's because instead of getting 2 pumpkin pies and 1 apple pie they gave him 3 apple pies and 0 pumpkin pies! It was kinda annoying, but now it's really funny.
Then later on that night, we took Elizabeth to her first movie. We all went to see the Bee Movie. It was cute. Very Jerry Seinfeld...if you like that show, you'll understand the humor.
Elizabeth liked the whole atmosphere of being at the theater. She inhaled popcorn and candy and watched a little of the movie and then she fell fast asleep. So, we woke her up after it was over. She was such a good girl and I'm so proud of her.
Sydney had fun staying at home with Mom and Dianne.
It was such a FUN day and night! Hope everyone had a great time, too.


Emily and Dustin said...

The picture of Sydney in the stroller is so cute!

Melissa said...

Oh I know! She was being SO LOUD in Build-A-Bear! Elizabeth and I were at the opposite end of the store and we could hear her squealing and laughing the whole time. I had to take a picture of it.