Last Saturday I took Elizabeth to the huge Scrapbook USA show at the South Towne Expo Center. We met her teacher there and just hung out together and walked around and bought some scrapbooking supplies. There's always tons of vendors selling their supplies. This is held every April and October. I always try and go.
Then we have turned Sydney's carseat around to face forward. This is a huge deal!
Wow, she's graduated to forward facing! She just loves it. She's discovered the new world of the road and things to watch and look at while I'm driving the van.
Work has been extra busy. The kids are so cute and we love them. I have an evaluation coming up and so I'm a little nervous about that. We have 2 fieldtrips planned. We're going bowling at Orchard Lanes and then eating lunch at McDonalds. Now you don't know how happy that makes some of our kids. McDonalds is like going to the Olive Garden!
Here at home is crazy busy as well. Sydney is walking and getting into EVERYTHING. In fact that's why I havn't been able to blog as much. I can't find 5 minutes to myself!
Something I HAVE been able to do is go to the gym on a regular basis! Mark has been so great to have me go about 4 days a week and then Saturday while he watches the girls. I'm loving it!
Well, yeah, that about wraps it up. All is well with The Butler Family!
Sounds like things are going well and that you're keeping busy!
can't wait for summer vacation!
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