Wednesday, July 30, 2008

I Can't Wait!

Today on Yahoo! there was a link to the trailer for the new Harry Potter movie that comes out on November 21.
If you know me at all, then you know I'm IN LOVE with the Harry Potter series!
There's 7 books and the 7th book came out last summer and of course I've finished them all. I'm going to start all over again soon. This new movie the the 6th book. The Half-Blood Prince. To those of you who don't read the books, that probably sounds like a weird or dumb title, but ya gotta just read to know what it means. And I mean start from the 1st book. Go through the journey.
Anyway, theres tons of new production pics on the site and this was my favorite one.

The actors are growing up beautifully and portraying the characters who I know and love so much just wonderfully!
Needless to say, Mark and I will be in line to get in the theater on opening night. And, oh yeah, this book is the reason for my blog name.


Emily and Dustin said...

Sounds exciting!

Melissa said...

i know! i get goosebumps when i watched the preview....seriously!

Rachelle said...

sorry but I dont think I watched anything but the first one, and never read the books. Can we still be friends?

Melissa said...

LOL um, rachelle...we need to talk!
yes, i guess you're still my BFF...
but what kind of a muggle are you?
oh, sorry, you have to have read the books to know what i just called you.