Saturday, August 15, 2009

Sugarhouse Walk

Sugarhouse is my favorite place to be. Why we just dont live there is beyond me. We feel like we are REALLY "home" when we're there. I think I was spoiled from ages 4 to 12 when my parents lived there and that's where my roots are, I think. Anyway, now the girls really love it because of the big Sugarhouse Park with the duck pond and playgrounds...and over by the shopping area there's a little place called Hidden Hollow. It's a fun little walk that circles around through the trees and crossing bridges and walking on wooden paths. The girls LOVED it this morning. It was pouring rain early this morning, then it cleared up. So, there were about 200 snails throughout the entire walk. We kept saying "theres another one! theres another one!" The air was crisp and cool. We wore sweaters for the first time in a long time. It felt great to be outside having fun on a cooler day:)


Roberta said...

Look at those sweet girls! How fun to have a cool summer day.

Emily said...

Fun, fun. I like Sugarhouse area, too. It's a great place.

Rachelle said...

okay you've sole me the idea, i guess i better get to sugar house park soon!

Shmacque said...

I can't believe how big they have gotten!! I can't wait to see u girls in one week!! YAY!!