Friday, August 3, 2007

Elizabeth's Summertime Ritual

We live right next to Washington Elementary School, and every week day they provide a lunch during the summer.

So, my mom started taking Elizabeth and Sydney while I go to the gym or whatever and it's become a fun little routine. Elizabeth gets to go to the school and eat with tons of other kids and then after she's done, they go to the playground and swing and play for about an hour or so.

She's made lots of friends and my mom even met a lady who sells Cookie Lee and Mary Kay!

So, it's been really fun for Elizabeth especially. Sydney just sleeps the whole time or if she's awake, she'll watch Elizabeth like she's the greatest thing she's ever seen! Sydney is fascinated by Elizabeth. The way she looks at's incredible.

I also want to mention that President Bush is at the school everyday and Elizabeth always goes up to him and says hi. You can make up your own political joke to go along with it.

Making memories!


Jonathan & Aubrey said...

That picture of E and Gee Dubya is sooooo funny hahaha.

Melissa said...

I know, don't ya love it?